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We have discussed writing this week. We did some free writing exercises to help us think about what writing is for us and what we think about it.

There are some important things to remember when we write something:

-Try not to stop

-Write in sentences

- Try not to read what we've written before we finish.

- Generate a flow of thought

- While writing, if we can't think about what to write, just write the word instead first.

When I think about writing, in my opinion, writing can be a tool to communicate and share thoughts with others. Sometimes it is hard for some people to remember what they want to say or communicate with others. But writing can help and keep in contact with others and can help inform ideas and thoughts in a readable form. Also, writing can be a basic tool to express ourselves in a different way. 

Before writing something, we can use these:

- Mind map

- Spider map

- Dictate list

- Voice memo

What do you guys think about writing? xx❤️

Riel xx


  1. Hi Riel! I find it so hard not to re-read what I am writing. I re-read every sentence that I write and I know that by doing this, it doesn't help to keep the writing flowing. It also takes a lot longer for me to get the words down on paper, so this is something that I am working on. It's definitely not easy for me, but I think that if I start to believe in myself more and trust in what I am writing, then the amount of re-reading I do, will become more spread out, and my writing will flow more easily.


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